
How To Determine My Draw Weight Recurve Bow

Pulling back on a bow and holding the depict to aim your shot takes strength, only how much strength is determined by the describe weight of the bow. The weight you lot choose will depend on your experience level and general physicality. You besides need to consider what you want to utilise the bow for. Are y'all a hunter or target archer?

Other useful reads….

Once yous've institute your draw weight, you also demand to consider your draw length and hopefully you already know that some bows come fabricated specifically for left or right handers. Merely do you need a left or right handed bow?

Build, Bodyweight and Suggested Bow Draw Weights

When you lot're shopping for recurve bows or compound bows you lot'll notice that draw weight is listed in pounds (lbs). Our tabular array beneath shows you dissimilar categories of people, children, youths, men and women and a respective (average) weight category and from that a suggested draw weight. Firstly, lookup what type of person you are and from that you should observe you fit into the corresponding weight category and exist able to lookup your suggested draw weight. If you are either  over or nether weight and don't fit into a item category exactly, I'd propose that you go primarily with your size/strength in the blazon/build cavalcade.

Type of Person/Build

Weight (lbs)

Weight (kgs)

Recurve Suggested Depict Weight (lbs)

Compound Suggested Draw Weight (lbs)

Pocket-sized/Slight Child





Large/Strong Kid





Small/Slight Woman





Boilerplate Adult female





Large/Strong Adult female





Small/Slight Man or Older Boy





Average Human being





Large/Stiff Man





If you're a beginner y'all'll detect the best route is to lean towards alighter draw weight. The reason for this is that y'all need to develop good technique showtime. One time you lot take skillful consistent technique and then you can recall about increasing weight. Equally yous become a more experienced archer your strength will develop naturally and you lot'll be able to draw and concur steady with more than weight. You'll  then find you need to either move up the suggested describe weight range, and maybe even pitter-patter into the next category.

Recurve Draw Weights

​You'll discover the draw weight on a bow usually marked on the face (the side of the limb that faces you lot) of the lower limb. Usually it is specified in lbs at a given ideal draw length, i.e. 30 lbs @ 28 inches. That would mean that when drawn to 28 inches the weight on the string would be xxx lbs. Over or under cartoon the bow would increase or decrease that weight. Past how much you enquire? That really depends on the bow, however a good rule of thumb is that for each inch over drawn you could expect an actress 2 lbs of weight. For each inch under drawn you'd wait to lose 2 lbs from the draw weight.

You lot might assume that a heavier draw weight will pb to a more accurate shot due to the arrow flying faster and flatter through the air to your target. You'd exist wrong. A higher draw weight requires a stiffer arrow, and a stiffer arrow is generally heavier. A heavier arrow will fly more than slowly and offset some of the gains from the increase in draw weight. Arrows go stiffer and lighter as applied science improves, but the general principle still holds and gives a different arrow requirement for target and field archers vs hunters.

You can shoot 70m targets (olympic distance) with anything from a 25lb depict weight upto the maximum available but if you lot want to become hunting y'all'd need ideally to start with something similar a 40lbs draw weight every bit anything less won't exist a lethal shot.

Many manufacturers make their bows bachelor in a range of draw weights for all unlike types of users and builds. You can see some examples of skilful hunting and target shooting bows in our roundup entitled: the best recurve bow.

Male Olympic recurve archers tin can draw anywhere from 45-55 lbs and females twoscore-50 lbs, so they're up there in the highest brackets, but these people train daily with their bows to increase their strength.

Hunting Draw Weights

Using a bow equally a weapon to hunt requires a heavier describe, and a heavier arrow. The heavier the arrow the more forcefulness it will affect with, the farther it volition penetrate, and the more damage it will exercise. A target archer has unlike considerations in this respect. A heavier depict volition be harder to hold and aim steadily, consistently and accurately with.

We'd recommend a miniumum depict weight of forty lbs for a hunter . Sure a heavier arrow may produce more than kinetic energy and penetrate farther fifty-fifty with a lower draw weight from a shorter distance. However many states brand laws specifically restricting hunters to using bows and compounds with a depict weight no less than 40 lbs. Check your state regulations before you purchase.

Read more in this article that introduces you to bowhunting.

Compound Describe Weights

Compound bows accept a different draw weight scale altogether, due to something called 'allow-off' a compound bow archer has to concur far less poundage at full draw than a recurve archer, and when releasing the cord the bow does the work to compound the energy stored in the limbs and requite a more powerful shot. A chemical compound bow will commonly have a let-off percentage in the specifications allowing y'all to calculate how much of the actual describe weight needs to be held at full draw.

Our article entitled the best compound bow has a adept option, something for every type of user and every budget.

Chemical compound Let-Off Percentage

A compound bow with a l lbs describe weight and a 70% let off would require you to draw l lbs part way through, yet only require​ 15 lbs of force to be held when at full describe.

Checkout these strength and draw curves from the ATA specifications, you'll see the deviation. The farther y'all depict a recurve the college the strength, whereas a chemical compound bow reaches pinnacle force part way through the draw (force draw curve) and a full draw you only hold virtually half of the total force that will be applied after you allow become (the permit downward curve).

Fore and Draw Curve for a Compound Bow
Fore and Draw Curve for a Compound Bow

Choosing a Draw Weight for a Youth Compound Bow

Every bit a general dominion children that are l to 70 pounds tin normally handle a describe weight under 15 pounds. Children betwixt 70 and 100 pounds can normally handle a depict weight of fifteen to 25 pounds. Children between 100 and 130 pounds can handle a describe weight of up to twoscore pounds, and children between 130 and 150 pounds can handle draw weight 40 to fifty pounds. This is summarized in the tabular array beneath.

Here's an article y'all might want to take a wait at where we've rounded up a slap-up selection of the best youth chemical compound bows.

Kid Weight Range (lbs) Depict Weight Range (lbs)
50 – seventy < fifteen
seventy – 100 15 – 25
100 – 130 25 – 40
130 – 150 40 – 50

How To Determine My Draw Weight Recurve Bow,


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